About us we can tell that we like the game of chess a great mind game, where there are different roles, different figures, different positions and every role, every figure has a special ability and function and only a smart play considering all strengths and weaknesses can assure the success.
Who we are?
We are group of experienced young people. Every one of us has invested the last 15 years to gain knowledge, to understand the principles and the invisible borders of the economic environment. We have worked in legal companies, we have worked in international corporations, we have worked abroad. We know insight small companies and big business. We are legal professionals and business development visioneers. We are network, we are business club without formal structure, but with strong relationship instead of formal membership.
What we do?
We are a team of professionals, who are working in the legal and business consulting area. We deliver legal consulting services as well as business consulting solutions and our aim is to offer you a cross industry thinking when your business is concerned. We believe that business without proper legal advice is playing a game without knowing the rules and legal without proper understanding of the business is knowing the rules without entering the real game. For the successful business it is crucial to know the right law for the successful legal it is crucial to know the real business.
Why do you need a consultant?
Organizations usually undertake many different initiatives and activities in order to become more competitive and successful on a dynamic markets. They invest in new technologies, buy competitors, make researches, analyze the past in order to predict the future, try to catch up with the trends, partner with other vendors, reconsider organizational structures, trying to find the best management system and so on. However one of the most important points is to define the desired final results and then there are project to be set up, resources to be allocated, budgets to be accordingly ensured, etc.
All those issues are commonly understood by the business, however it is usually hard for a company to look out of its own box. The organization is normally concentrated on daily tasks and struggle to manage the normal functioning of their work-flow. It is also normal that everyone should do what he does best. There are not many organizations capable and willing to support projects and employee experts in areas not directly related to their main business focus.
An adviser posses and leverage on tools and experience born and hardened in the practice. The consultant is able to ensure the availability of specific needed resources, to contribute specialized competence, analytical and tailored methodology. Based on their background and experience consultants can greatly support to define desired final result in every specific situation and to successfully lead around many underwater rocks.
In addition advisers are great and reliable source of important information and specific knowledge on business requirements and new opportunities for development and growth. Nowadays information exchange is so dynamic that it should be really well and carefully summarized and analyzed in order to effectively respond to the specific business demand.
Steps to chose a consultant
Go in quest for a consultant and advisor who will support you to define your concrete needs. The consultant should go into the detail with the specific of the topics concerned and the situation as a whole. In order this to be achieved, thoroughly study should be performed before presenting a blue-print and respective offer. It is not possible by every meaning of this to make a realistic and value-adding doffer without deeply understand the case and without consider all strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. It is as to leave the carpenter to refurbish your room without having a look, without taking measures and without even asking you if you want a bedroom or kitchen. Of course you can always buy a standard retail furniture but then you have no guarantee that it will fit in your room and you will potentially see it in 10 more houses you are not going to be individual and different. For the business this means you are not going to be recognized and to have competitive advantage using all your strengths and avoiding your weaknesses
Proof the consultant's competence. Professional consultant is acquainted with the specificity of the area, is a master of a gained experience and properly prepared with concrete information, law requirements, valuable information about trends, perspectives and different scenarios.
Last but not least a consultant should be able to communicate in a proper manner with every level within the client's organization, to be analytical, to be creative and innovative and to offer solutions and shortcuts to achieve the defined and desired result.
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Sofia, Bulgaria